
"...the dialectical notion of truth-as-unconcealing--which we might symbolize with a hyphen-like vinculum, here representing the horizon line..."

~Xavier Klasi, 1976

Vinculum: 1) a unifying bond; 2) a straight horizontal mark placed over two or more members of a compound mathematical expression and equivalent to parentheses or brackets about them. See also VETCH.

Vetch: Any of a genus (Vicia) of herbaceous twining leguminous plants including valuable fodder and soil-building plants.

Both terms are akin to Latin vincire, to bind.

Horizon and soil: Both are truthful as in slowly revealing. Also, they show off to each other.

A road is a horizon that revolves like a belt on an engine. Roadcuts are planted in a white and purple mane of crown vetch.

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